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So, you have decided to buy a gun.  This is a big decision that carries with it big responsibilities.  Here are three simple, but very important points to consider before you buy:

1. Have you obtained training in the safe and proper use of a firearm?  If not, do some research and locate a basic firearms safety class in your area to attend BEFORE you purchase your new gun.  This will help you better understand the basic safety and operation of a gun, and start to familiarize you with the different types that are available in today’s market.  A good class will include not only how to operate a gun, but also help you to understand the proper mindset necessary to safely do so, as well as proper storage and maintenance.

2. Practice.  Are you willing to practice enough to stay competent in the use of a firearm?  Be honest with yourself.  If the answer if “No”, you should probably abandon the idea of owning a gun.  If the answer is “Yes”, you will need to locate one or more ranges in your area that are open to the public or consider joining a gun club.  Once you have completed your training class, you should consider visiting a range that offers rental guns and try out several.  Expect to pay for use of the range, rental fee, ammunition and targets.  Avoid buying a gun without first shooting one just like it.  You may need to make several trips to the range before you decide on the “one” right gun.  Take your time, and don’t let anyone talk you into something just because they like it.

3. Take your time.  Shop around and compare selection and price.  Again, don’t let the sales person or a friend talk you into a particular gun just because they think it is the “best” gun for a woman.  Only you can decide what is the “best” gun for you.  This is an investment, and more importantly, it is a tool that may save your life someday.  You need to feel comfortable with it, and you need to like it.  Don’t be afraid to get what you want.